Thursday, June 30, 2016

THE CONJURING 2 (review)

The demonic veiled nun will haunt me for some days! :O
Scary, terrifying & a fitting follow up to the first one,it succeeds in frightening you with its lingering creepiness but fails to bring anything new to the plot or the proceedings. It's wonderful to see the relationship between Ed and Lorraine. Vera Farmiga as Lorraine is superb.She has such a charming screen presence.Her character is strong, powerful & she manages to pull the viewer through all kind of emotions.Patrick Wilson as Ed is also an apt foil to Lorraine.
Few scenes really make you jump back & shudder with it eerie-ness like when Lorraine decides to check in the painting room and a demonic nun comes out from nowhere from the painting and a scene when Janet watches TV and figures out a person sitting on a chair behind her and the remote control falls by itself.

But i am bit perplexed with the character of the infernal nun, which is so appropriately nightmarish, reminiscent of the veiled "Bride In Black" from 'Insidious'. What was the motto behind the nun's portrait that Ed had drawn and how was it connected to this particular case is never fully explained! Also what's less compelling is the inclusion of the "Crooked Man," a storybook scarecrow monster spreading Babadook-esque chaos about halfway through and is explained as the demon assuming a form that's familiar to the Hodgsons. Nevertheless, its worth a dekko for all the thrill that it provides!

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